Data Privacy Notice

1. Your personal data – what is it?
Information about what you know about a person is called data. From this data somebody could work out who they are and what they do. This means things like name, address, birthdays, mobile numbers and so on. A new law called GDPR has been made and tells us how we can use your data.

2. Who are we?
Allington Baptist Church Trust, Maidstone, Kent (“ABC”) is responsible for looking after your data and is called the Data Controller. ABC then has to work out how we use (process) the data you have given us.

3. How do we process your personal data?
ABC has to make sure that your data is up to date, that it is kept safe and when it is finished with that it is destroyed safely.
Why do we have your data? The main reasons are –
• for telling you about what is going on,
• for keeping lists of who has been to which groups,
• for putting you in the church address book, if you come to church regularly.
• sometimes, for sending birthday cards, but also,
• to make sure that we have the name, address and telephone number of someone to call if you are not well.

4. Who says we can use your data?
• You do in the first place by giving us your details and agreeing with the items in 3 above.
• Sometimes the law says that we need to keep records, so we have to that as well.

5. Do we share your personal data?
Not unless you have told us that we can, or that the law has told us we have to. Sometimes we have to share your data within the church groups so that you can benefit.

6. How long do we keep your personal data?
At the bottom of this information sheet you will find a list of some of the normal storage times we keep your data.

7. Your rights and your personal data.
What you can do about data we have for you? The main things are –

• You can ask for a copy of all your data that we have,
• You can ask for it to be put right if it is wrong,
• You can change your mind about what we do with your data,
• You can ask for it all to be deleted but this will mean that we will not be able to help you or let you know about what is going on,
• You can ask for us not to use it for a short while if you think there has been an error, and, • You can complain about what we have done with your data, but please tell us about it first.

8. What if something new comes up?
If we would like to use your data for a new reason then we will let you know and ask you to agree. If you don’t agree then we will not use your data for the new thing.
ABC Privacy Notice – shortened Issue -07/07/18

9. Contact Details
Please contact the Data Protection Coordinators if you want to make any alterations or withdraw your permission.

You can write to them at – Allington Baptist Church,
76A, London Road,
Maidstone, Kent ME16 0DT

you can email them at –


Click here to download the Data Protection Policy.