Welcome to
Allington Baptist Church
We are a friendly community church,
with a congregation of all ages, and activities for young and old.
come worship with Us
Growing together in worship, love and witness wherever God leads
We have an active Children & Youth programme and welcome kids of all ages.
We have a variety of ministries to meet the needs of different ages and groups within the church and community.
Core Values
As a church we provide strong Bible teaching, vibrant worship Spirit led prayerful unity and Community witness
Welcome to Allington Baptist Church – visitors very welcome.
Into the Bible Service on Sunday @ 10.30am in the Main Church Hall.
Please note there is not a link to this service on the web site. The church fellowship will receive a link by email. The sermon will be posted later in the week. [YouTube Link to Sermon]
Children have Kid’s Worship in the second half of the service
We are a friendly community church, with a congregation of all ages, and activities for young and old.
We encourage every member ministry and our worship aims to be simple, lively and sincere, with good music and faithful preaching from God’s Word, the Bible.
Please scroll down to see what’s on at Allington Baptist Church….

What’s On @ ABC
Thoughts & Events
Worship With Us
76A London Road
ME16 0DT